Show Notes
Jump to Bay Trail Confidential #1 (28 Oct 2020) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #2 (2 Dec 2020) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #3 (6 Jan 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #4 (3 Feb 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #5 (3 March 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #6 (7 April 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #7 (5 May 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #8 (2 June 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #9 (7 July 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #10 (1 September 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #11 (13 October 2021) Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #12 November 2021 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #13 December 2021 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #14 January 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #15 February 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #16 March 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #17 April 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #18 May 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #19 June 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #20 August 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #21 September 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #22 October 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #23 November 2022 Show Notes
Bay Trail Confidential #24 December 2022 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #25 January 2023 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #26 February 2023 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #27 April 2023 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #28 June 2023 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #29 August 2023 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #30 Sepember 2023 Show Notes
Bay Area Trails Confidential #31 October 2023 Show Notes
October 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
The YouTube recording of the show is available here.
Marc Igler of San Francisco City Guides
Topic 1: The Ferry Building
September 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
The YouTube recording of the show can be found here.
Allison Stone, Director of Visitor Engagement for Presidio Trust
Topic 1: Presidio Tunnel Tops Park
August 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
The YouTube recording of the show is here.
Janet Byron, Berkeley Path Wanderers Assoc. President, Author of Berkeley Walks
Robert E. Johnson, Berkeley Path Wanderers Assoc. Board Member, Author of Berkeley Walks
Trail Updates
The Ridge Trail’s East Bay Hills Hike & Ride is Aug. 30 - Sept. 4. To register and get more information, click here.
Topic 1: Berkeley Walks reveals a fascinating history and the town’s many charms
Purchase Options:
Topic 2: Berkeley Path Wanderers Turns 25!
June 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
April 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
The YouTube recording of the show is here.
The music for opening slideshow is by the Richmond group Ajayu.
Najari Smith of Rich City Rides
Taylor Jang of the Bay Area Ridge Trail and Peninsula Open Space Trust.
Topic 1: Ridge Trail’s Ridge to Bridge Event
Topic 2: Rich City Rides and the Richmond San Rafael Bridge
February 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
The recording of the show is being processed and will be here when that completes (around 11am on Feb. 9).
The music for opening slideshow is by Midnight Kitchen.
Peter Kageyama, author of Hunters Point: A Novel of San Francisco, For the Love of Cities and other books.
Anita Shinall of the San Francisco Public Library
Trail Updates
San Francisco’s new Central Subway
New York’s Moynihan Train Hall
Topic 1: A New San Francisco Detective Story
Topic 2: What makes the SFPL Park Branch Different from All Other Branches
January 2023 Bay Area Trails Confidential Show Notes
Here’s the recording of the show.
The music for opening slideshow is by Midnight Kitchen.
Ross Heitkamp
Sandy Bartlett
Trail Updates
Topic 1: A Circumnavigation Sequel
Topic 2: Local Odysseys
December 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
The recording of the show on YouTube is available here.
The music for opening slideshow is by Midnight Kitchen.
Laura Cohen of the Bay Area Trails Collaborative
Guy Joaquin of Walk San Francisco
Trail Updates
Topic 1: The Bay Area Trails Collaborative
Topic 2: The Bartable Walks of Guy Joaquin
BARTable Walk: Colma to San Bruno
November 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
The recording of the show is here.
The music for opening slideshow is by Midnight Kitchen.
Gary Kamiya, Author of Cool Gray City of Love and Spirits of San Francisco: Voyages through the Unknown City
Jake Massler, eLock Technologies Senior Sales and Partners Manager
Steven Grover, eLock Technologies President
Trail Updates
Richmond Terminal 4 location near Pt. Molate on Bay:
Reservations may be required to access the site.
From East: Take I-580 and use exit 7A Stenmark Dr. before getting on Richmond San Rafael bridge. Follow Stenmark Dr. to gate at end of the road. Don’t turn right and go up steep hill to San Pablo Marina.
From Marin, SF: Take RSR Bridge and take exit 7 toward I-80 E/Richmond Pkwy/Point Richmond. Get back on i-580 westbound and follow directions above.
Topic 2: BikeLink lockers
Special Deal for Bay Confidential Followers!
A few simple steps to get 100 hours of free on-demand secure bike parking.
Download the app
Email with the subject: Bay Confidential
We will load your account and you can start parking!
Sarina Selection
Mt. Olympus Park in San Francisco
Found SF article on Mt. Olympus history
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Jon Adams
Sandy Bartlett
Paul Madonna
October 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
The recording of the show is available here.
The music for opening slideshow is by Midnight Kitchen. Note that they have a gig close to the Bay Trail on Sat., Oct. 22 from noon to 3 pm at the Black Star Pirate BBQ (Point San Pablo 1900 Stenmark Dr., Richmond).
Janelle Sellick, Executive Director American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation Canyon
Pierre Washington, American Canyon Council Member
Mark Joseph, American Canyon Council Member
Sandy Bartlett, Bay Area Ridge Trail Circumnavigator
Luana España, Bay Area Ridge Trail Circumnavigator and Board Member
Joel Gartland, Bay Area Ridge Trail Circumnavigator and Former Board Member
Trail Updates
Walk San Francisco’s Peak 2 Peak event is Saturday, Oct. 8. Use checkout code BAYTRAIL for discount.
Click here for more information on the Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge 50th anniversary celebration
Register for events here.
Topic 1: American Canyon
American Canyon Wetlands & Napa River Bay Trail web page
American Canyon Vine Trail Extension web page
American Canyon Newell Open Space web page
Topic 2: Ridge Trail Circumnavigation Page
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Sandy Bartlett
Luana España
Ross Heitkamp
Larry Rosenblum
September 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
Click here for the recording of the show on YouTube.
Jeron Davis, Proprietor of The Looney Bean
Morris Older, Founder of the East Bay Hills Benefit Hike
Charlie Bowen, EBHB organizer and Bay Area Ridge Trail Board Chair
Topic 1: 20 Years of the East Bay Hills Benefit Hike
3D visualization of the 5-day hike created with Relive
Topic 2: Destination, the Looney Bean
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Ross Heitkamp
Erin Feeney
Jin Wen
Becky Rhodes
Bruce Beyaert
Rodney Paul
August 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
The recording of our show is posted on YouTube here
Marie Sayles, Bay Area Ridge Trail Development Director
Ryan Mack, Bay Area Ridge Trail Deputy Director
Dan Allison, Circumnavigator of the Bay Area Ridge Trail
Topic 1: Ridge Trail Confidential
Topic 2: Riverwalk USA
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
June 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
The recording of our show is available here.
Tom Lent, Walk Bike Berkeley
Mark Freiberg
Carol Bach, Port of San Francisco
Michael Hamman, Southern Waterfront Advisory Committee
Topic 1: ABODE (Around the Bay in a Single Day) Expedition
Tom Lent’s San Francisco Bay Area pedal & e-bike information
Vine Transit 29-bus
Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit
Golden Gate Transit Larkspur Ferry
Topic 2: Heron’s Head Park
EcoCenter at Heron’s Head Park
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Tom Lent
Mark Freiberg
Mingwei Samuel
Fan Railer
May 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
The recording of our show can be found here.
Larry Rosenblum, Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge
Tom Lent, Walk Bike Berkeley
Mark Freiberg
Linda Brown, 350 Bay Area
MaryAnn Furda, 350 Bay Area
Topic 1: The Reber Plan
Article on The Reber Plan
Information on the Bay Model in Sausalito
Topic 2: Corte Madera Marsh
Topic 3: The Road to a Livable Climate
Topic 4: Around the Bay in a Single Day
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Betsey Crawford
Jeff Daitsman
April 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
Click here for the recording of the show.
Topic 1: The Restoration of Bayview Hunters Point
Jacqueline Flin, Executive Dr. of A. Philip Randolph Institute of SF (APRI)
Kurt Grimes, APRI
Carol Bach, Environmental Affairs Dir., Port of SF
Arieann Harrison, Marie Harrison
1986 Map of Hunters Point PG&E Plant and surrounding neighborhood
Topic 2: Lady Bayview
March 2022 Bay Trail Confidential Show Notes
Here’s the recording of the show on You Tube.
Topic 1: Jeff Daitsman’s Year of the Ox Bay Trail Trek
Jeff Daitsman
Here is Jeff’s slideshow with accompanying “500 miles” song.
Topic 2: Secrets of South San Francisco
Program S2E3 (2 Feb 2022)
Here’s the recording of the show on You Tube.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Topic 1: Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge and Bair Island
Larry Rosenblum, Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge Volunteer
Olivia Poulos, San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Interpretive Specialist & Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator
Matthew D. Brown, SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex Project Leader
Recommended websites:
Video: Saving Bair Island: A Noble Cause by Sam High
World Wetlands Day website
Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge
Save Newark Wetlands
Information on Drawbridge, the ghost town near Alviso
Watershed Watchers Website (stormwater pollution prevention)
Topic 2: Touring the SalesForce Transit Center
Tam Tran
Recommended websites:
SF City Guides SalesForce Transit Center tour page
Artist Ned Kahn’s website (creator of Bus Fountain)
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Cris Benton (Index of aerial photographs in South Bay)
Sam High (Saving Bair Island: A Noble Cause video)
Donna Pomeroy
Larry Rosenblum
Photography Contest Theme: “General”
Winning Photograph of Richmond San Rafael bridge by Mark Freiberg
Program S2E2 (5 Jan 2022)
Here’s the recording of the show on YouTube.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Program S2E1 (1 Dec 2021)
Here’s the recording of the show on YouTube.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Topic 1: A Long Walk Around the Bay
Sally Dinwoodie, Barbara Christianson, Aleta George, Annette Williams
Recommended websites:
Article: “True to the Trail,” Aleta George, Estuary News, Sept 2019
Article: “One Step, One Sunday at a Time,” Aleta George, Bay Area Monitor, June/July 2021
Topic 2: An even longer bike ride
Sushil Reddy and Luis Fourzan are on a ride from Winston-Salem NC that has passed through the Bay Area. They are now on their way to a destination in Dallas TX.
The SunPedal website has more information on their cross-USA bike ride including ways to donate.
Topic 3: A new way around the Bay
Want to join Rodney and set the record for circumnavigating the Bay by non-electric bike and public transit? Send an email to
Taquerias and Breweries near the Bay Trail
List of Taquerias and Breweries submitted so far.
Form for entering more taquerias and breweries within 1 mile of the Bay Trail.
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Barbara Christianson
Sally Dinwoodie
Annette Williams
Katherine Briccetti
Program #12 (10 Nov 2021)
Click here to access the recording on YouTube.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Barrie Simpson, Penny Wells, Greta Schnetzler, Manu Schnetzler and Ross Heitkamp
Photo/Art Credits (includes links to related websites)
Patricia Chang
Robin Lasser (also see Dress tents website)
Michael Layefsky
Susan Moffat, Love the Bulb
Jon Winet, Alternating Currents
Kevin Fox
Ross Heitkamp
Greta & Manu Schnetzler
Lewis Stewart
John Wehrle
Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez
Mark Brest Van Kempen
Jerry Ting
Raylene Gorum
Corinna DeBra
Scot Goodman
Nick Williams
Lee Huo
Program #11 (13 Oct 2021)
Click here for the recording of the show.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Robin Lasser, Professor of Art at San Jose State University
Jon Winet, Professor and Director of the Intermedia Program at the University of Iowa School of Art
Topic 1: The Albany Bulb — What a Dump!
(We’ll be adding content here very soon.)
Recommended websites:
Love the Bulb
Monument to Extraction
Alternating Currents
Refuse in Refuse
Topic 2: More on Circumnavigating the Bay
(We’ll be adding MORE content here very soon.)
Photo/Art Credits
Patricia Chang
Robin Lasser (also see Dress tents website)
Michael Layefsky
Susan Moffat, Love the Bulb
Jon Winet, Alternating Currents
Program #10 (1 Sept 2021)
Click here for the recording of the show.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Tom Lent
Our first topic covered Coyote Point Recreation Area and other nearby shoreline parks on the Peninsula. The map above has a red X in a location where construction is taking place. Although the Bay Trail maps show these parks being connected, right now, it’s not possible to go along the Bay from Coyote Pt. to locations south.
Rodney’s 304-mile route around San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. He gave a part 1 description of this adventure and will have more to say on the Oct. show.
The ride around the bay took 6 days. At the end of each day, Rodney returned home using mass transit. He then used these connections to return to the point where he left off to continue the following day’s ride.
Rodney will be creating pages on Bay Circumnavigation and Drinking Fountains soon!
Program #9 (7 July 2021)
Aerial artist’s conception of Brooklyn Basin when completed.
Click here to access the recording of the show on YouTube.
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Jim McGrath: Member of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, FormerPort of Oakland Environmental Manager
Corinne Kinczel: Rocky’s Market
Melissa Cruz: Flamenco Fridays at The Basin
MC Party Mouth: Bay Area Roller Group
Evan Kenward: Greenway Stimulus
Bay Trail Update
Click here for the TRAC Midyear Report
Topic 1: The many faces of Brooklyn Basin
There is a shuttle connecting Brooklyn Basin to nearby Oakland BART stations. It runs weekdays from 9am to 5pm. Click here for more information.
Here are links to some of the activities at Brooklyn Basin we discussed:
Melissa Cruz organizes Flamenco Fridays, dance performances hosted by Rocky’s Market. Their performance on Fri. July 9 @7pm (doors open at 6pm) is sold out. Tickets for their August performance are not yet on sale. Follow them on their Facebook page.
Rocky’s Markets is hosting many live events at Brooklyn Basin. Finding listings on their events page.
MC Party Mouth told us about the vibrant skating scene at Brooklyn Basin. DJs and MCs are often staging events on weekends. The Bay Area Roller Group facebook page lists many events at Brooklyn Basin and elsewhere.
Isaac Kos-Read organizes salsa events at Brooklyn Basin and Lake Merritt with live bands and dancing for all. Learn more on his Salsa by the Lake facebook page.
Topic 2: Greenway Stimulus
Evan Kenward presented on this advocacy group. To get involved in their effort to secure $10 billion in federal funds for alternative transportation, visit their website.
Photo/Art Credits
Brooklyn Basin development website
City of Oakland, Bureau of Planning
Roger Rudick,
Nick Williams,
Program #8 (2 June 2021)
Click here to view the recording of the show on YouTube. You can also find it on our Facebook Page.
Harvey Abernathey, formerly on the Novato Trails Commission.
Tom Boss of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition
Ed Keller, US Army Corps of Engineers
Wendy Proctor, Architect with the Port of San Francisco
Subject Matter Expert
Coire Reilly, 511 Contra Costa
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Main Topics
Topic 1: Two great places in Marin: Hamilton Wetlands and the Las Gallinas Valley
The two locations are between San Rafael and Novato
Bay Trail Map card #20
Novato Baylands Stewards: Terrific non-profit that leads the wetlands restoration on San Pablo Bay. They run the Novato Wetlands Restoration Project Nursery, which is a terrific place to volunteer and learn about the wetland ecosystem.
Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District: Website includes information on the reclamation area paths. There are occasional closers for District operations so be sure to check before you go.
Hamilton Field History Museum: Learn about the military history in Hamilton in this well-organized museum with helpful docents and an excellent library. Open Wed., Thurs. and Sat. from Noon-4pm. FREE but donations accepted.
Topic 2: The Port of San Francisco Resiliency Plan
The Port of San Francisco’s resiliency website
June 2021 Photography Contest: Railroads and Trains on and near the Bay Trail
Train tracks in Richmond’s Miller-Knox Park submitted by Nick Despota
Train Tunnel taken from Pt. Richmond by David Gluck
Program #7 (5 May 2021)
Photo by John Wehrle
YouTube recording Note that the first 10 mins. is our slideshow and can be skipped to move to the official show.
Dave Campbell, Advocacy Director, Bike East Bay
Warren Wells, Policy & Planning Director, Marin County Bicycle Coalition
Andrew Fremier, Deputy Execuitve Director, Operations, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Maureen Gaffney, Trail Planner Emeritus, Bay Trail Project
Subject Matter Expert
Bruce Beyaert, Chair, Trails for Richmond Action Committee
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Main Topics
Topic 1: Preserving bike/ped access to the Richmond San Rafael Bridge
Transit Connections near the Bridge
Golden Gate Transit #40 Bus El Cerrito Del Norte BART <-> San Rafael Transit Center
SMART Train Larkspur <-> Sonoma County Airport
Closest Stop: Larkspur across Sir Francis Drake from the Ferry Landing
Contra Costa County Electric Bike Rebate Program
May 2021 Photography Contest: Park Benches
1st places image by Eddy Lehrer. Location: Sunset View at Crab Cove(in Crown Memorial State Beach in Alameda)
2nd place image by David Gluck. Location: The Albany Bulb.
3rd place image. Location: Near the eastern entrance of the George Miller Trail and the Carquinez Scenic Drive
Photo/Art Credits
Luther Bailey
Bruce Beyaert
Kathy Briccetti
Corinne DeBra
Kevin Fox
Manol Manolov
Rodney Paul
John Wehrle
Cycling Promotion Fund
Mike’s Bikes
Program #6 (7 April 2021)
“Dreams of the Salt March” ceramic mural at Gold & Catherine Streets in Alviso (photo by Ron Horii)
YouTube Recording Note that the first 10 mins. is our preshow slides and can skipped to move to the official show.
Topic 1: Gayle Frank, Preservation Action Council
Topic 2: Ann Homan and Russ Bertetta, Oracle Park Tours
Subject Matter Experts
Barbara Coll, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
Ross Heitkamp, Friends of Steven Creek Trail
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Main Topics
Topic 1: Alviso Obsession
Websites relating to the places we discuss:
Alviso Marina County Park
Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
Atlas Obscura article on Drawbridge
South Bay Yacht Club
Preservation Action Council (walking tours of Alviso Historic District)
Sarah M. Newton etchings of Alviso and other Bay Trail places
Topic 2: Oracle Park: Past, present and Future
Classified Information
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory’s Bird Photo Big Day Event is this Saturday, April 10. The event is a fundraiser for SFBBO, and a donation of $25 or more is suggested. Though I am hardly a gifted photographer, I’m planning to participate.
April 2021 Photography Contest: Flowers and other plants on or near the Bay Trail
1st place photo of Alviso Slough by Ron Horii.
2nd place photo by Dragana Monson taken in the Sears Point Restoration Area of Hwy 37.
3rd place photo taken by David Gluck of teasel at Benicia State Recreation Area.
Photo/Art Credits
Lyla M. Arum
Cris Benton
Corinne DeBra*
Emmett Dingel (mural)
Goetz K. Brandt
Kevin Fox*
Gayle Frank
History San Jose
Ross Heitkamp
Ron Horii*
Sarah M. Newton*
Rodney Paul
Greta and Manu Schnetzler*
Sam Tubiolo (mural)
Program #5 (3 March 2021)
Click here to stream the video of the show from our Facebook page. The video can also be seen on You Tube. Note that the first 10 mins. is our pre-show slides. So advance through this if you don’t want to see that.
Ben Botkin, Bay/Water Trail Planner for Association of Bay Area Governments/Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Penny Wells, Founding President of Bay Area Sea Kayakers and a Founder of the SF Bay Water Trail
Simone Nageon de Lestang, Trail Planner for the Bay Area Ridge Trail
“Happy Trails” was performed by Jason Myers, a Bay Area musician whose website is here.
The music during the slideshow was performed by La EstudiANDINA, a Bay Area group comprised of Miles Bainbridge, Leo Arauco, Chris Yerke and Daniel Zamalloa.
Main Topics
Topic 1: The Carquinez Strait
The Bay Ridge Trail has a good map and description of the Bridge to Bridge loop, including information on transit.
Topic 2: The SF Bay Water Trail
THE BAY AREA WATER TRAIL is a regional program that encourages non-motorized small boaters to safely enjoy the San Francisco Bay. Whether you prefer a kayak or SUP, kiteboard or outrigger, there are so many ways and amazing destinations to explore. Learn more on their excellent website, which includes Water Trail access locations, information on renting human-powered water craft and much more.
Bay Area Sea Kayakers (BASK) is a group of several hundred sea kayakers who live throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Our interests include flat-water paddling, kayak-surfing, expeditions, and playing amongst the rocks, in conditions that range from mild to wild. Our club exists to bring paddlers together for companionship, safety, exploration, learning, and great food and drink! We welcome as members all individuals interested in kayaking. We’re committed to building a diverse and inclusive paddling club and to sharing our enthusiasm, skills, and knowledge to increase equity and access to our sport.
Topic 3: The Trail Family Sibling Rivalry
Get to know the entire Bay Trail family. Click on these images to access their websites:
And let’s not forget the special Trail family cousins:
March 2021 Photography Contest: Bridges on or near the Bay
1st Place Photo by Kathy Briccetti of El Cerrito shows the Richmond San Rafael Bridge
2nd Place photo by Ross Heitkamp shows the shadow of the Carquinez Bridge
3rd Place photo by David Gluck shows a bridge in the Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge.
Program #4 (3 Feb 2021)
Bruce Beyaert, Chair of Trails for Richmond Action Committee (TRAC)
Sup. John Gioia, Bay Development & Conservation Commission (BCDC) and Contra Costa County Supervisor
Najari Smith, Executive Director of Rich City Rides
Main Topics
Topic 1: The Richmond Bay Trail: Past, Present and Future
Bruce Beyaert, John Gioia and Najari Smith join Rodney is discussing some of their favorite spots on the Bay Trail in Richmond.
Topic 2: Social Justice of the Bay Trail
We discussed the role of Rich City Rides promoting bicycling and enabling Richmond residents to safely access the Bay Trail and Richmond San Rafael Bridge. Trails for Richmond Action Committee also has worked hard to provide this access.
The Richmond Wellness Trail (RWT) is a collaborative project to develop an interactive health themed trail that showcases three dimensional murals and art installations with positive messaging designed to inspire visitors to make health and wellness-oriented lifestyle changes.
Closing trail gaps is a pressing need. The recent Goodrick Ave. closure improves the safety of cyclists and pedestrians heading to the Dotson Family Marsh and Point Pinole from Landfill Loop and other Richmond locations to the south.
Another key gap for Richmond is on the Greenway at 23rd St. Because of the wide street and railroads that pass through, doing so will require significant funding.
Homeless people are living in many places throughout the Bay Area, including along many sections of the Bay Trail. Empathizing with their situation and addressing their needs is a social justice issue we all must recognize.
February 2021 Photography Contest: Birds on or near the Bay
1st Place photo by Peter Townsend of El Cerrito. Wild turkeys near University Ave. in Berkeley
2nd place by David Cohen of Phoenix AZ. Black necked stilts at Lucy Evans Baylands nature Center in Palo Alto.
3rd place by Greta and Manu Schnetzler. Brown pelican near Crane Cove in SF.
Classified Information
Ethel spoke about the Rosie the Riveter WWII/Home Front National Historic Park. While we’re used to seeing well-known images of a white woman, Ethel pointed out that a great many of the women who worked in Richmond and other locations were African American. Betty Reid Soskin was one such World War II worker and is now a ranger at the Park. There was also talk about the world record for most people gathering while wearing Rosie attire.
Lee told us about the crazy art to be found at the Point San Pablo Harbor. Bruce Beyaert said that it has been displayed at Burning Man and is stored here.
Rodney launched his “Best of the Bay Trail” initiative and hopes members of the Bay Trail Confidential audience can help him determine the Bay Trail’s finest park bench, best segments and other gems. Harnessing the wisdom of our community, we can work together to uncover the Bay Trail’s hidden gems. Email him if you’d like to get involved. This promises to be a lot of fun!
Photo Credits (with links to photographer websites)
Dorothea Lange
Dale F. Mead
Russ Lowgren
Rodney Paul
Sarah Paul
David Seattle
Duy Tran
Bruce Beyaert
Luther Bailey, NPS
Mike Butler
Doug Donaldson
Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez (mural)
Allan Jensen
Program #3 (6 Jan 2021)
Main Topics
Topic 1: Unlocking the Secrets of the North Bay
Our guests, Meg Marriott and Melisa Amato of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge, told us about North Bay locations that are on the Pacific Flyway and particularly active with birdlife in early January. These include the Sears Point Restoration Area, Dickson Ranch, Tolay Creek and Cullinan Trails. These locations get relatively few visitors and are an excellent way to experience the Bay while maintaining social distance.
Topic 2: A Field Guide to Birders
We mentioned some apps that can be downloaded to identify birds visually and by their songs:
Merlin Bird ID
Here are some of the places mentioned as good spots for birding:
MLK Shoreline (Oakland)
Landfill Loop (Richmond)
Galinas Ponds in the Las Gallinas Sanitary District (Marin)
Palo Alto Baylands
Starling murmuration is going on in San Rafael near the Northgate Mall in Terra LInda. It starts around 4:30 and ends by 5:30
Coyote Hills Regional Park (Newark)
Click here for Interesting story about birdsong during the pandemic
Lorna recommended Nikon Travelite binoculars. Others suggested going to REI and trying out multiple pairs. Having a wide field of vision is helpful for birding.
Feb. Photo Contest 1st Place by Mark Brueckman
Bay Trail Confidential Photography Contest
In our inaugural photography contest, Mark Brueckman of Alameda was chosen as the winner. Second place went to Manu and Greta Schnetzler of SF. Our third place winner was Roger Hooson.
In February, the contest theme will be Birds of the Bay. Entries should be sent to with the subject “BTC Photo Contest” and received by midnight on Wed., Jan. 27.
2nd place by Manu and Greta Schntzler
3rd place by Roger Hooson
Classified Information
Ethel discussed plans to create a way to walk around the Bay Trail that includes overnight options such as nearby hotel or AirBnB accommodations. She has been meeting with others who have an interest in this. An audience member stated his interest in doing such a trek by bicycle.
Maureen told us about work she did in the past with Port of Oakland to provide dirt that is used in Bay restoration efforts. Large amounts of sediment can suppress waves and allow marshlands to come back.
Rodney recommended bicycling in the Carneros region just south of Napa. There are some amazing, rustic places to visit, including the landmark Brazon Bridge, a rail drawbridge that crosses the Napa River. This is a great time to visit because there is little car traffic. If you’re arriving by car, a good place to start is the Stanly Ranch Trailhead near the intersection of CA-29/121 and CA-12. Public transportation from other parts of the Bay Area drops you off at the Soscol Gateway Transit Center (which is what I did in the ride shown below). From there, you ride across the 3rd St. Bridge to Golden Gate Dr.
Photography Credits (with links to blogs and websites)
Melisa Amato
Mark Brueckman
Aric Crabb
Denise Chiang
Joan Foster
Roger Hooson
Beth Huning
Sallie Rae Kimmel
Denise Larsen
Russ Lowgren
Rodney Paul
David Richman
Greta and Manu Schnetzler
Harrie Schwartz
David Siervert
Fred Silverman
Music Playing During Pre-show Slides
Bob Dylan, “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall”
Ray Charles, “Georgia on My Mind”
Otis Redding, “(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay”
Information from the Chat Discussion, etc.
Tom says, “We've done lots of day bike trips using only BART for transport to our start or end or both. Multi day cycle would be cool We'd try Coyote camping or motelling.”
Roger asked, “Will Skaggs Island Road be opened to bicyclists?” I believe the long-term plan is for it to be opened, connecting to a trail which would go around the US Naval Communications property
Ronald mentioned seeing the King Tides at Redwood City, Bair Island, and Redwood Shores. The next King Tides will be Jan. 11 and 12. Tides then will be highest in the morning (around 9am Monday and 10am Tuesday, depending on your location)
Program #2 (2 Dec 2020)
Main Topics
Topic 1: Secrets of Southeast San Francisco Part 1 We were joined by David Beaupre of the Port of San Francisco and discussed Crane Cove Park, the spectacular public space opened at the end of Sept. just south of the Chase Center at 18th and Illinois Streets. We also mentioned the many other great places to visit in this section of the Bay Trail including Heron’s Head Park, the Hunter’s Point and India Basin Shorelines. Pier 70 is nearby and will be opening some great additional public space soon.
Topic 2: Bridges of the Bay Trail Bridges can be expensive but are essential to achieving the Bay Trail goal of encircling both San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. Sean Dougan of the East Bay Regional Park District shared his knowledge of the process to erect bridges and gave us an in-depth look at the spectacular Pinole Shores Bridge (near the East Bay town of Pinole) as well as a proposed new crossing at Lone Tree Point in Rodeo.
Bay Trail Confidential Photography Contest
Click here to get details on the monthly photography contest we announced. Our first will be in January and general photos of the Bay Trail will be accepted.
Classified Information
Ethel recommended visiting the Wave Organ, which is on a spit of land across from San Francisco’s Marina Green nearby the Golden Gate Yacht Club.
Maureen discussed the Blue Greenway, which combines the Bay Trail and waterway access along the Bay in Southeast SF.
Rodney spoke of the challenge of finding open restrooms and water fountains in Southeast SF during the pandemic. But he reported finding a top-notch facility at Pier 70 in Building 113. There are also port-a-potties at Crane Cove Park and India Basin.
Photography Credits (with links to blogs and websites)
Darlene Ash
Allie Brown
Noah Berger
Patricia Chang
Paul Chinn
Anna Ewins
Todd Johnson
Ethel Konopka
Rommi Linnik
Santiago Mejia
Russ Lowgren
Chris Partin
Rodney Paul
Guillaume Paumier
Eric Risberg
Edward Rooks
Greta and Manu Schnetzler
Lindsey J. Smith
Music Playing During Pre-show Slides
The Doors, “Crystal Ship”
Jefferson Airplane, “Wooden Ships”
Otis Redding, “(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay”
Information from the Chat Discussion, etc.
Here’s information on where to get the Bay Trail Map Cards published by the Bay Trail Project
We’ve been warned that parking near Crane Cove Park can be limited. Going early in the day on a weekend is your best bet to find a space nearby
We are planning to spend more time covering sections of the Bay Trail in Southeast SF!
SF City Guides has a Dogpatch Walking Tour that discusses some of the Crane Cove/Pier 70 history. It’s currently suspended until pandemic conditions improve
Thank you Ron Horii for pointing out that King tides are coming on Dec. 13-15. It will give you a sense of the threat we face from sea level rise as a result of climate change
We learned the architectural term “belvedere,” which on a bridge is an area where you can step out of the main right-of-way to enjoy views
Some asked about a recording of the show. We can’t post our recording because making it available for on-demand viewing violates the copyrights of the photos we use. But we are going to rebroadcast the recording at some scheduled times soon.
The Dogpatch Paddle Club has a terrific Facebook Group where you can learn more about water sports in and around Crane Cove and view some of the amazing photos their members have posted. You’ll need to request membership to view their group page.
Next on Bay Trail Confidential (Wed., Jan. 6 @7:30pm PT)
Topic 1: Sears Point Restoration Area and San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Topic 2: TBD
Click here to register!
Program #1 (28 Oct 2020)
Main Topics
Topic 1: What is the Bay Trail? We discussed the many uses for the Bay Trail and the idea that it is far more than just a trail that goes around San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. It is collection of public spaces that give us access to the Bay, which is the defining feature of our region. It also is the historic culmination of efforts to reverse the degradation of the Bay in the mid-20th Century and make it hospitable again to native plants and animals.
Topic 2: Coyote Hills Regional Park is wonderful for biking, hiking, birding, photography and many other activities. On weekdays, it is generally uncrowded. On weekends, it’s best to go early or late. There are terrific views from the tops of the hills. The marsh area is rich with birdlife. Bring water and be conscious of the fire risk (no smoking!). Parking normally costs $5 but this is suspended during the Covid-19 crisis.
East Bay Regional Park District Naturalist Francis Mendoza mentioned the Dumbarton Quarry Bayside Campground, which will be right next to Coyote Hills when it opens next year.
Rodney mentioned that when he goes to Coyote Hills, he takes BART to Union City and then rides about a mile to the Alameda Creek Trail.
Classified Information
Ethel recommended the Bay Trail Map Cards published by the Bay Trail Project. She also has been enjoying the Vizzit app which has self-guided audio tours and iNaturalist, which helps identify plants and animals you encounter.
Lee told us about the s-shaped Pinole Shores Bridge, located on the Bay Trail in Pinole Bayfront Park.
Rodney said that San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf is a wonderful place to visit now because there are few tourists and it’s easier for locals to explore. Weekday mornings are the best time to go to avoid crowds.
Bay Trail Thank Yous
We discussed the recently-opened Ravenswood Preserve in Palo Alto. The work was managed by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space. The new connector trail allows car-free hiking and biking from the Dumbarton Bridge to Mountain View. In fact, it’s possible to get on the Alameda Creek Trail in Niles and ride about 30 miles to Sunnyvale without sharing a road with cars.
Photography Credits (with links to blogs and websites)
Noah Berger
Felix Ching
Corinne DeBra
Will Elder
Kevin Fox
Lee Huo
Lance Iversen
Mike Kahn
Ethel Konopka
Breanna Lambert
Michael Macor
Laura Macky
Rodney Paul
Guillaume Paumier
Jerry Ting
Peter Villalpando
Music Playing During Pre-show Slides
John Craigie, “Westbound BART”. Click here for a live performance on KEXP.
Otis Redding, “(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay”
Information from the Chat Discussion
The Bay Trail Project will be publishing its "Birding the Bay Trail" guide soon
Tam mentioned the Bay Trail Challenge going on this month. Click here to learn more.
Ronald Horii recommended the book San Francisco Bay Shoreline Guide for its maps and descriptions.
Ronald also mentioned that the Bay Trail is discussed on some episodes of the Open Road TV show hosted by Doug McConnell (formerly of Bay Area Backroads). This episode focuses on the Trail.
Ronald’s website has a wealth of information on the Bay Trail and includes his photographs and descriptions of his adventures.
Although some sections of the Bay Trail are open 24 hr., East Bay Park sections (including Coyote Hills) are closed 10pm to 5am.
Maureen told us about a brand new Bay Trail park on the Bay Trail just south of the ballpark: Crane Cove Park. We’ll discuss it on next month’s program.