Bay Trail Taquerias and Breweries

Bay Trail Confidential is compiling a list of taquerias and breweries near the Bay Trail. We’d like your help finding all of the businesses of this type that are within a mile of the Bay Trail (the ones further away are harder to access on foot).

Our contest on the Dec. 1 show will be a drawing to award a set of Bay Trail Map Cards to someone who has submitted one or more entries. We will use a random number generator to pick the winner from the spreadsheet of taqueria and brewery entries. This means your chance of winning increases with every entry you make.

Only the first entry submitted for a business is eligible to win. Click here to see a list of existing submissions, which is updated daily.

Note that we will only consider businesses that are within a mile of a Bay Trail location that is built or proposed. To determine this, we will use the numbered Bay Trail maps found here. You must complete all the fields on this form to submit an entry.